The Oaks is a landmark new family home built in the idyllic Bedfordshire village of Silsoe. Our brief from the client was to create an instant impact for their move in date.
We were given a fairly free-reign in stocking the planting beds but were asked to involve Azaelia’s, Camelia’s and Trachelospermum in our palette.
To the rear of the property we contract-grew over 32 linear metres of 3-3.5m tall instant laurel hedging columns. We matched these with a line of pleached laurels and underplanting to the side of the families new garden room and seating area. Ilex, Magnolia, Prunus lusitanica and other specimen trees and shrubs completed the rear garden.
The front entrance is the real star of the show at this property as it features smart clipped low level hedging alongside feature shrubs such as Osmanthus, Cordyline and Viburnum as well as a feature specimen standard Lauris nobilis tree.